

Julie (MSc) is director of survey operations for USAID’s Surveys for Monitoring in Resilience and Food Security at ICF. She has more than two decades of experience in the design and 实现 of survey research activities in LMICs, as well as significant research and 能力加强 in survey methodology.

朱莉·德容 (MSc) is a director of survey operations for USAID’s Surveys for Monitoring in Resilience and Food Security (SMRFS) at ICF. SMRFS支持设计, 实现, and results dissemination of high-quality population-based surveys using an approach that strengthens data collection, analysis and use capacities while emphasizing state-of-the-art survey methods. 以这种身份, she oversees surveys in multiple USAID Feed the Future target countries through the stages of the survey lifecycle, 专注于生产高质量的数据, 文档, 并为美国国际开发署的项目提供报告. She also leads activities in 能力加强 for best practices in survey design and 实现 as applied to food security and resilience research.

Julie has more than 20 years of experience in design, 实现, 能力加强, 筹款, and leadership across all dimensions of the survey lifecycle in population-level international and cross-national household surveys for both social science research and monitoring and evaluation studies in primarily low and middle-income countries. 在SMRFS之前, 调查主题包括健康, 老化, 社会经济地位, 住房设施和福利, 发展和家庭动态, 政治态度和行为, 政治暴力, 和宗教, 样本大小从3,000例到200多例,000例.

除了, 朱莉擅长研究方法论, with a focus on considering how experimental research to understand and potentially reduce survey error while increasing quality can be embedded using cost-neutral approaches. This work has resulted in several publications on the impact of the interview context on the reliability and validity of key substantive estimates. She also specializes in comparative survey research design and has authored and contributed to multiple publications on comparative methods best practices, frameworks for assessing quality in comparative surveys, and quality assessments of cross-national surveys.

Julie began her career at the University of 密歇根, where she was a survey methodologist at the Institute for Social 研究 Survey 研究 Center. 当她加入ICF时, she brought strong project leadership experience which required significant business development efforts and subsequent collaboration with multiple domestic and international project team members and stakeholders across a variety of institutions and comprehensive progress reporting to U.S. 包括美国国际开发署在内的政府资助机构, 国家卫生研究院, NSF and various sectors of the Department of Defense, as well as non-government funders including the WHO, 世界银行, 和亚洲开发银行.

Julie holds both a Master of Science degree in survey methodology and a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science from the University of 密歇根.

"The increasing heterogeneity of our populations and increased interconnectedness brings to the forefront the importance of collecting high quality population-based survey data and understanding its measurement properties for accurate analysis and sound policy recommendations."
  • MSc in Survey Methodology, University of 密歇根; B.A. in Political Science, University of 密歇根
  • 德容,J., & Z. Mneimneh. (2022). Survey Design and Implementation Considerations in International and Cross-National 研究. 在F. Bieri Y. Tolstikov-Mast, & J. 沃克(Eds.), Routledge Handbook of International 领导 研究. 劳特利奇出版社,页. 246-267.
  • Lyberg L., B.E. Pennell J. 德容,K. 奇贝利希本等人. (2021). AAPOR/WAPOR Task Force on Quality of Comparative Surveys. American Association of Public Opinion Surveys Report Series. Mneimneh Z., J. 德容, & Y. Altwaijri. (2020). Why Do Interviewers Vary on Interview Privacy and Does Privacy Matter? In Interviewer Effects from a Total Survey Error Perspective. 在K. 奥尔森J. D. 史密斯,我. Dykema,. L. 霍尔布鲁克F. Kreuter如此说道, & B. T. 西部(Eds.)查普曼·霍尔/ CRC出版社,页. 123-136.
  • Mneimneh Z., J. 德容, & Y. Altwaijri. (2020). Why Do Interviewers Vary on Interview Privacy and Does Privacy Matter? In Interviewer Effects from a Total Survey Error Perspective. 在K. 奥尔森J. D. 史密斯,我. Dykema,. L. 霍尔布鲁克F. Kreuter如此说道, & B. T. 西部(Eds.)查普曼·霍尔/ CRC出版社,页. 123-136.
  • Mneimneh Z., J. 德容,K. 奇贝利希本, & M. Moaddel. (2020). 我看起来和听起来有宗教信仰吗? Interviewer Religious Appearance and Attitude Effects on Respondents’ Answers. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 8(2): 285-303.
  • 德容,J. & K. 奇贝利希本. (2018). Quality Assessment of the Fourth European Quality of Life Survey. Eurofound.
  • 德容,J. (2018). Ethical Considerations in the Total Survey Error Context. In Advances in Comparative Survey Methods: Multicultural, Multinational and Multiregional Contexts (3MC), T.P. 约翰逊,B.E. Pennell,我.A.L. 弯腰, & B. 多尔. 纽约:约翰·威利 & 儿子,页. 665 – 682.